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New Patient Receiving chiropractic neck adjustments for pain reduction at 212 Degrees of Wellness

Your Chiropractic Journey to
Health and Healing Begins with

212 Degrees of Wellness

Scheduling an appointment with Dr. Jerod, Chiropractor at 212 Degrees of Wellness
New Patient Receiving chiropractic neck adjustments for pain reduction at 212 Degrees of Wellness

What You Can Expect During Your First Chiropractic Appointment with Dr. Jerod Posey

We get it, first time appointments with a doctor you’ve never seen before can be nerve-wracking. 

We aim to have a stress-free first appointment so we have provided the necessary forms you need to fill out before arriving. This will maximize our time together allowing us to spend more time focused on your needs and ensuring you feel at ease.

What is a Chiropractor?

Chiropractors are health care professionals focused on the diagnosis and treatment of neurological and musculoskeletal conditions of the spine. They are the only healthcare professional trained to detect, analyze and correct misalignments of the spine.

Dr. Jerod giving chiropractic back adjustments to a new patient at 212 Degrees of Wellness

What is an Adjustment?

Adjustments are done by a licensed chiropractor, and the goal is to-gently-realign joints to decrease pain, increase range of motion, and help with spinal health.

Dr. Jerod giving chiropractic back and hip adjustments to a New Patient at 212 Degrees of Wellness
Kelly of 212 Degrees giving chiropractic adjustment for new patient spinal rehabilitation

What does a Chiropractor do? 

Chiropractors treat problems related to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. They align spines to correct problems like headaches, allergies, and problems with nerve pain. 

212 Degrees of Wellness practicing proper chiropractic table safety and calibration for treatment

Is Chiropractic Care Safe?

212 Degrees of Wellness practices, safe, non-invasive chiropractic care. We never treat patients or move bones without a full examination and x-rays, first. 

Can Pregnant Women go to a Chiropractor?

Yes! Women at any stage of pregnancy can receive care. We do recommend talking to an OB/GYN first to make sure it’s safe for you and baby.

New Pregnant Patients receiving proper and safe care on 212 Degrees chiropractic table

How Many Appointments does it Take to Feel Better?

After your first appointment, you might feel great relief, but that does not mean you are healed. Each patient’s treatment time is different because everyBODY is different. That’s why do in-depth examinations to help determine your best course of treatment. Your recommended treatment plan will be discussed and agreed upon in your report of findings before you begin care. We want to make sure all your questions are answered and you are comfortable moving forward. 

Dr. Jerod consulting a new patient about their next chiropractic examination at 212 Degrees
212 Degrees of Wellness providing safe and comfortable deep tissue adjustments for a new patient

Is Chiropractic Treatment Uncomfortable? 

Chiropractors move bones and joints that may not have been moving properly for years. Occasionally, this can cause some mild soreness after the adjustment, but many times patients begin feeling better before they even get off the table.

New Patient Sign Up

Your First Appointment is Typically a Half-hour and Includes:

  • Personal Consultation with Dr. Jerod to Discuss Current Issues and Future Goals

  • Comprehensive Exam

  • Orthopedic Tests

  • Digital Posture Analysis and X-Rays

  • Range of Motion Tests

  • Schedule Your One-on-One Report of Findings and Recommendations.

If you’ve been suffering from chronic pain, muscle stiffness, or limited mobility, 212 Degrees of Wellness offers many services to help you feel your best.

New patient reviewing scoliosis x-ray with Dr. Jerod at 212 Degrees of Wellness
A feature of chiropractic care tables and equipment at the 212 Degrees of Wellness facility

Thank you for choosing 212 Degrees of Wellness to help guide you through your chiropractic wellness journey! Here's a quick FAQ to help prepare you for your first appointment. If you don't see your question here, just ask!

212 Degrees of Wellness providing chiropractic neck adjustment for a new patient at Westwood, MO.
New Patient Sign up

See Why People are Raving about 212 Degrees of Wellness

Dr. Jerord and New Patient discussing Chiropractic Pediatric and Pregnancy Care at 212 Degrees

Tell us your 5-Star 212 Degrees of Wellness Story!

Hours of Operation:

Mon – 9:00am - 12:00pm  |  2:00pm - 6:00pm

Tue – 7:30am - 11:00am  |  1:00pm - 5:00pm

Wed – 9:00am - 12:00am  |  2:00pm - 6:00pm

Thu – 7:30am - 11:00am  |  1:00pm - 5:00pm

Fri - Sun  – Closed

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